Wednesday, April 6, 2011

My Latest Completed Head

Self centering eyes, Raising eyebrows, Winkers/Blinkers, slot jaw

Being Humble and giving back

Well folks I have decided to build a full size working pro figure for a personal friend of mine. He is going to be leaving his country and going to Guatemala to do some service for the Lord. He will be dealing with a lot of poor adults and children. I was originally going to just build him a head and leave the rest to him, but I want him to have a completed figure by me to take to Guatemala. I hope to see pictures of the trip.

Thursday, March 17, 2011



Good evening, afternoon, or morning lol. So I have been a bit busy with projects lately. I have been working on project no name and project Charles and now will be taking on project Tommy. I wanted to show you the progress on project Charles. The rubber latex mold and mother mold have been made and completed. It took me about 1 1/2 weeks to complete this, but I wanted to take my time. I will be using Plasti Paste from Smooth-On. Its a urethane plastic that is Trowelable (brushable) which is what I want and need. Stay tuned for updates.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Leather Blinkers

The other day a friend of mine asked me how would you paint leather blinkers. He said you could not paint it with acrylic paint because the paint would either crack not the blinkers would not work. a certain point. What you need is this:
Frabric Paiting Medium aka Textile Medium. You mix this with your skin tone paint and boom! You are in business.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Its hard to say goodbye to a close friend when you know he cant hear you. That is what happened to me. My friend Jose Cortez was born 07/26/85 and passed away 01/29/11 from cancer. He fought hard for 3 years until the cancer was just too much for him. Rest in peace my friend. We all miss you.

Friday, January 28, 2011

The Great One

I recentely finished reading the booy by Edgar Bergen called "How to become a ventriloquist" I have to say I enjoyed the book greatly and learned some things. There was one thing that bothered me. Bergen talked about a lot of practice so your lips would not move. So why did his lips move so much?

I have asked this question before and have received a lot of answers. Mr. Jerry Layne told me it was because Bergen got use to being in the radio that he discarded his lip control. Others say he just was not good at lip control. What do you think? I still think he was the great one.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Mirror Practice

Are you practing your vent in front of a mirror? I am one to admit I don't always practice in front of a mirror. I recently purchased a small hand mirror to practice more often. I have to admit that now that I have the mirror I am practicing a lot more. So pick up a mirror and practice your lip control

Friday, January 21, 2011

Home Improvement Dummy

I remember an old episode of Home Improvement where Randy (Tim's Son) was going to perform a ventriloquist act at school. Tim (Tim Allen) makes him a dummy that looked just like

Does anyone know who made this figure?